The ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) including facial recognition and the affects on human behaviour survey.

You are invited to participate in a research project conducted by Justin Lloyd Dean, Director of Envent Australia Pty Ltd. The research is part of a collaborative project between Envent Australia and the University of Newcastle, supervised by Professor Egglestone. The research project has been partially funded by a Covid19-Tech Voucher grant from the NSW State Government.

PLEASE READ through the following information, then click through to the survey which follows.

Information Statement for the Research Project: The ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) including facial recognition and the affects on human behaviour survey. Document Version dated 24.02.2023.

(A copy of this information is available

The Research Team from Envent Australia: Justin Lloyd Dean, Tim Bueckert, Keiko Oguchi

Why is the research being done?

Hi, my name is Justin Dean, I am the Managing director of Envent Australia Pty Ltd. I am conducting a research study as part of my PhD scholarship in collaboration with the University of Newcastle. We would like to ask you some questions regarding Artificial Intelligence and your experience with this technology

We are designing a prototype version of an interactive touchscreen technology using facial recognition based on the feedback we receive from this survey and followup focus groups and interviews. We would love your input and your feedback is really important and helpful for us.

Our aim is to garner people’s current awareness of the use of artificial intelligence (AI), in particular facial recognition technology, across all anthropomorphic (human behavioural) categories, the level of their understanding of the purpose of this technology in particular and the level of trust in engaging with this technology and handing over agency for decision making, data storage and data retrieval.

We want to explore the use of AI and the possible ethical, human and social impacts of the a product we have design called the Sentinel. We will be including user group surveys to elaborate on the following AI information capture concerns and to provide analysis and solutions to provide transparency for users. Your feedback will be essential in addressing these concerns and to provide an ethical framework for policy makers to enforce transparency and development guidelines for technology companies and organisations to adhere to and certify against.

Who can participate in the research?

We are seeking people aged 18 and over who are interested in the ethical use of facial recognition technology to participate in this research. Participation in this research is limited to a self-administered anonymous questionnaire. There is no obligation to participate in this research in order to enjoy the installations on display as part of this project. Please take as much time as you require to consider your involvement by reviewing the contents of this Information Statement.

What would you be asked to do?

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete an online survey/questionnaire asking for non-identifiable information as well as your reaction/perceptions of the exhibitions presented.

This survey is comprised sequenced set of clear and unambiguous questions with limited choice, yes or no, or multiple choice closed questions with yes or no answers and should take you around 5 minutes to complete. We have broken these the following question types to allow us to frame your responses, Factual, Opinion based, behavioural, hypothetical, classification and knowledge based questions.

You can complete the survey in one session. You will have the opportunity to discontinue your completion of the survey part way through the survey, if you desire. The survey will be held on Google Forms

What choice do you have?

Participation in this research is entirely your choice. Whether or not you decide to participate, your decision will not disadvantage you. If you do decide to participate, you may withdraw from the project at any time prior to submitting your completed questionnaire. Please note that due to the anonymous nature of the questionnaire, you will not be able to withdraw your response after it has been submitted.

How much time will it take?

The survey/questionnaire should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

What are the risks and benefits of participating?

There are no anticipated risks associated with participating in this research.

While there are no anticipated benefits to you personally in participating in this research, the findings will help contribute to the knowledge base of ethical AI development regarding facial recognition technology. It is our aim to contribute to the formulation of an Australia wide formal ethical policy that may form the part of a legislative framework, law or statute, that can be adopted by government agencies and technology companies.

We have broken these the following question types to allow us to frame your responses, factual, opinion based, behavioural, hypothetical, classification and knowledge based questions.

All responses will be recorded and categorised to enable us to quantify your perception and experience of AI in particular the use of facial recognition.

How will your privacy be protected?

Due to the anonymous nature of the survey/questionnaire the responses you provide will not be identifiable. A final question requests contact details for a second stage of the project (short interviews). This information will be separated from the survey data.

Data will be retained securely for a minimum period of five (5) years from completion of the research and managed/stored in accordance with the University’s Research Data and Materials Management Guideline.

See or any successor Guideline, and applicable University of Newcastle policy provisions (as amended from time to time).

The questionnaire will be hosted by Google Forms. Only those members of the Research Team (above) will have access to the data.

How will the information collected be used?

All responses will be recorded and categorised to enable us to quantify your perception and experience of AI in particular the use of facial recognition. Please take your time and enjoy the experience with us.

The survey data will contribute towards the field of research of Envent Australia and/or may be presented in academic publications, journals, conferences or to artificial intelligence communities.

Individual participants will not be identifiable in any reports arising from the project although individual anonymous responses may be quoted.

Non-identifiable data may also be shared with other parties to encourage scientific scrutiny, and to contribute tofurther research and public knowledge.

What do you need to do to participate?

Please read this Information Statement and be sure you understand its contents before you consent to participate. If there is anything you do not understand, or you have questions, please contact the researcher.

Completion and submission/return of this online survey/questionnaire will betaken as your implied consent to participate.

Further information

If you would like further information please contact:

Justin Lloyd Dean

(02) 9557 8838

Professor Paul Egglestone

(02) 4985 4545

Complaints about this research

This project has been approved by the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee, Approval No. TBC

Should you have concerns about your rights as a participant in this research, or you have a complaint about the manner in which the research is conducted, it may be given to the Chief Investigator on (02) 4985 4545 or by email on or, if an independent person is preferred, to the Ethics Officer, Research and Innovation Services, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia, telephone (02) 4921 6333 or email