We are all in this together.
Firstly, during this extraordinary time we hope you, your family and fellow colleagues are safe and well!
We started proactively implementing safety messages for some of our clients across the health, retail, corporate, tourism and transport industries.
You an see the POW Hospital example above deployed across their digital directory network.
If you are a valued Envent client or not, let us know if we can provide digital safety content for you to distribute on your digital network.
The official advice from the Department of Health is to follow these simple steps to help slow the spread of the virus:
Latest Indoor Interactive Hospital Directories with Integrated Hand Sanitisation
Envent by name, Envent by Nature. We continue to lead the way in self service Ennovation.
We have developed a new range of terminals that have automated hand spray technology built in. Our dual screen COMPASS directory includes the following features:
Please contact us for a free quote to see how we can help your hospital, click here: envent.com.au/contact/
Please stay safe and stop the spread of this VIRUS, so we can all get back to normal.